haier ranges-ovens

Information about the problems and breakdowns of Haier ranges and ovens that were reported from 2020 to 2021.

Common problems: burning.

Faulty modules: door, rack.


1 safety recalls announced

GE Appliances, a Haier Company, Recalls to Repair Free-Standing and Slide-In Ranges Due to Tip-Over Hazard

  • Date: 12/8/2021

This recall involves 30-inch, 24-inch, and 20-inch free-standing and slide-in electric and gas ranges, with seven brand names: GE, GE Profile, Cafe, Haier, Hotpoint, Crosley and Conservator.

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3 issues reported

Haier HCR6250AGS

  • Date: 4/30/2020

88 YOF consumer reports that her gas range has been problematic since purchase a year and a half ago. The middle burner of the range does not work properly. There is now a warning for the presene of carbon monoxide. This leak is a dangerous safety hazard.


  • Date: 6/7/2021

36 YOM consumer reports that the gas range is getting too hot along with the meta nobs. He was told there is a design flaw in that the ventilation slats are poorly placed. The oven door does not close tightly allowing heat to escape. The unit is too hot to touch. Burn haza


  • Date: 1/6/2020

65 YOF reported three incidents when rack in oven of gas range collapsed with heavy food on top of it. 1st time rack collapsed when she was taking 15 lbs. out of oven spilling juices all over barely missing leg. 2nd time rack didn't hold 17 lbs. after oven was pre-heated.

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