hotpoint dishwashers

Information about the problems and breakdowns of Hotpoint dishwashers that were reported from 2000 to 2018.

Common problems: burning, fire, short circuit.

Faulty modules: control board, heating element.


1 safety recalls announced

GE Dishwasher Recall and Repair

  • Date: 12/14/2000

Voluntarily offering a free repair option in the form of a rewiring for its recalled GE and Hotpoint dishwashers. With the free rewire option, a GE-authorized technician will rewire the slide switch at no cost to consumers. This supplements the original rebate program announced October 19, 1999. The dishwashers have a slide switch that can melt and ignite, presenting a fire hazard.

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7 issues reported

Hotpoint HDA2100R20CC

  • Date: 8/30/2011

The consumer who is an apartment management company reports experiencing problems with a specific model of dishwashers. The consumer states they recently had a second dishwasher of this model burn a hole through the front panel.

Hotpoint HLD4000N00WW

  • Date: 4/23/2012

First when dishwasher started emitting burning odor consumer tried to resetting it. 4 days later it happened again. Consumer noticed smell from front of dishwasher where control panel is located.

Hotpoint PDW7300N15WW

  • Date: 9/12/2012

Consumer reported that dishwasher overheated & caused damage to dishes. Consumer stated that counter above it was super hot & when dishwasher was opened, there was smell of burning plastic that still remains in house.

Hotpoint HDA3220Z02BB

  • Date: 1/8/2013

Consumer says the dishwasher was running when their home was filled with a plastic burning odor which was found to be coming from the dishwasher. She says the wires melted at the power supply & junction box.

Hotpoint GSD5500GCC

  • Date: 8/9/2013

The consumer says whenever the power goes out, the next time they start the dishwasher it will run in three cycles at the same time. Wash, sanitizing and dry and will continue to run for hours. The only way to fix this is to re-set the house circuit breaker.

Hotpoint PDW9280N00SS

  • Date: 12/11/2015

The consumer reported that the inside of the dishwasher completely burnt up.

Hotpoint HDA2100V35BB

  • Date: 1/31/2018

Consumer has a malfunctioning dishwasher. Every time it is running on heated dry cycle, there is a strong, burning plastic smell. Consumer made sure that nothing is touching the heating element. Consumer states this is a fire and health hazard and can cause medical problems.

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